Code Of Conduct

Respect and Inclusivity

  1. Respectful Behavior: Treat all fellow travelers, staff, locals, and community members with kindness, dignity, and respect.
  2. Non-Discrimination: Our club welcomes members of all backgrounds, beliefs, and identities. Discrimination or harassment based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or any other personal characteristic is strictly prohibited.
  3. Safe Environment: Promote a positive and safe environment for open communication, where everyone’s opinions and perspectives are valued.

Responsible Travel

  1. Environmental Stewardship: Follow the “Leave No Trace” principle. Dispose of waste properly, conserve resources, and minimize negative impacts on the environment.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Respect local customs, dress codes, and traditions. Always seek permission before photographing people or private property.
  3. Wildlife and Nature: Observe local rules regarding wildlife. Do not feed animals, disturb habitats, or remove natural artifacts.

Professional and Ethical Conduct

  1. Honesty and Integrity: Be transparent when sharing travel information, planning trips, and handling financial matters.
  2. Safety and Preparedness: Follow safety guidelines, obtain necessary vaccinations, and carry appropriate insurance. Inform trip leaders of any health or mobility concerns in advance.
  3. Compliance with Laws: Abide by all local, national, and international regulations, including customs, visa requirements, and travel advisories.

Group Dynamics

  1. Timeliness and Communication: Be punctual for departures, meetings, and activities. If delayed or unable to attend, notify organizers or fellow travelers promptly.
  2. Open-Mindedness: Embrace new experiences, ideas, and perspectives during group discussions or while exploring new destinations.
  3. Conflict Resolution: Address any disagreements or conflicts calmly and privately. Seek mediation from a club organizer if necessary.

Financial Responsibility

  1. Trip Payments: Adhere to club guidelines regarding trip costs, deposits, and refunds. Pay fees by set deadlines to avoid inconveniences.
  2. Transparency: If the club collects dues or shared expenses, the leadership will provide regular financial updates to maintain trust.
  3. Personal Budget: Members are responsible for managing their own spending on additional activities, meals, and personal purchases.

Event and Trip Etiquette

  1. Active Participation: Contribute positively to group activities. Stay engaged, support fellow members, and help ensure everyone has a fun and meaningful experience.
  2. Substance Use: Use alcohol responsibly. Illegal drug use is not tolerated and will result in immediate disciplinary action.
  3. Leave Spaces Better: Whether on transportation, at accommodations, or in public areas, leave them as you found them—or better.

Privacy and Personal Data

  1. Information Sharing: Do not share private member information (e.g., personal phone numbers, addresses) without explicit consent.
  2. Photo/Video Consent: Obtain permission before publicly sharing or tagging individuals in photos or videos taken during club events.

Violation and Enforcement

  1. Reporting: Members who experience or witness violations of this Code of Conduct should report it promptly to the club’s leadership.
  2. Consequences: Violation of these guidelines may result in a warning, suspension, or termination of membership, depending on the severity of the offense.
  3. Fair Process: The club leadership will evaluate reported violations carefully, respecting confidentiality and giving involved parties a chance to respond.